My favorite story in the male motorcycle, have of high school and eventually bought the same parents ... This bike is really cool and pull kenceng but everything must have some shortcomings. especially about motorcycles.
Sartia F150
Sartia F150
The following problem which I experienced prnh with this bike:
coupling end
heavy gas
less powerful pull
Outgoing frequent explosions from the exhaust
rapid heat
there may be other disadvantages, but I have not felt
is he the solution,
(But it is based on the trial I was from reading automotive magazines as well as the experience of friends bengkelku)
coupling end.
FU is still clutch knight was more CPT breaking, it's because the form of a circuit (race time) plot deh,, the flow of the rope clutch clutch DRPD which curved over another motorcycle.
how to extend the life of the rope clutch is simple enough, right clutch tug tuh huh? well, if this process generates friction, the friction theory tuh if an object to another object is reduced, the force generated smaller, well that's what makes the friction force coupling of CPT breaking. So if the theory of physics we have to eliminate friction.
how easy it is:
1. open the lock coupling (which is definitely looking at the clutch brake jgn in feet) okay clamp pliers
until a little loose and gaping plasticity so that the string coupling and the plot looks.
2. make a right turn at the handlebars.
3. spray with a lubricant WO3D, but if you want to save a rich way I wrote, okay used oil or vegetable oil.
4. tug on the clutch while looking for the Outgoing not faeces, if not out then add the oil.
5. that was quite satisfied with the results (see the dirt Outgoing) and Normalised return clutch locking position, but remember the gaping hole had been made down to reduce dust and other dirt to enter.
6. completed,
Continue friends,,,
heavy gas too right?
which is similar if the same clutch, not only because of the curved groove gas cable is different, but they may also have dry gas cables and dirty, so the weight deh. The solution is simple enough
A. look under your handlebar gas, there is a thick cable so because the material covered in rubber.
2. open it so it looks a case of rubber, lock, turn to him open, I think anyway emang it around a little longer because the,, wearing only a light-flops help our tang.
3. plasticity after the hole is open and gas cables,, love deh vegetable oil or as a way that was in the clutch, there is also the same as the tug gas, he's just not there is a case of coupling the output dirt before, just so slick wrote.
4. after you are satisfied the tug and limp (hahahaha), balikin as before,, it could mean to close the opening!
5. oh yes this same careful! sometimes not appropriate if it later turns the gas turned on the gas motor fitted directly roar roared,,, and great sound in the exhaust,,,, so should be suitable and fit to be perfect as we want,
6. completed.
More details of friends,,
traction is less powerful / fast.
if this does depend on the user's friends, who want a more standard kenceng what his run .... heee, if I still pengennya a drag and pull taut, so very young,,,,,,, but if that bring people normal may not be too perhatiin .... for owners who want to drag satriaf150 ........ just try it,
There is another theory ney,, great power requires great energy brati. So it's 150 cc motorcycle, taukan result right? hahahahaha drink a lot of gas! nah it wrote was not enough,, this bike if you want to get the best Performance should also be given the best nutrusi also,, like we're in love vitamiin, milk, etc. .. hehehehe ..... Tp if we do not bike semanja us, the most trivial love this motor gasoline must have a minimum octane of 90 or above you wear Pertamax, if a lot of money yes okay PERTAMAX + + is the color red. Now that the first requirement of 100 new terms are hahahha .. The second is also trivial,, engine lubricating oil .. Since our motor 4 No, Hence knowledge must be well understood Olie. Hopefully this article sheds light for the Satria .. Banyak motormania asal pakai oli mesin buat motornya, tanpa memperhatikan spek oli sesuai atau tidak. Jangan gitu, Soalnya, teknologi mesin sekarang makin canggih. Alhasil menuntut pelumas sepadan.
Generally the output motors 2001 and above, far more precision machine components by minimizing the clearance, says Paul Kelvin, general manager of training 2W & 4W Dept. PT Indomobil Suzuki International (ISI). Lubricant in order to easily fit into narrow crevices to protect against direct friction between the components, required more dilute oil.
For example K * w ** s * k * Z * 1 * 0. If you notice, the oil cap 10W-40 listed numbers. This means that oil must have a level suitable for 10W-40 viscosity. On a cold engine temperature, the viscosity is at number 40. While when the engine is hot, there is at number 10. Therefore, the hero is carrying the new Kawasaki engine technology with a very narrow berclearance innards. For example, has embraced the rocker arm bearing system. Increasingly tightened so that the slit valve. That way, it is definitely needed in order to dilute the oil more easily infiltrate into the gap.
While the Suzuki product, it is recommended to use oil with SAE 20W-50 specification. Similarly, the average product of Honda and Yamaha. But it's not haram oil 10W-40 is used. Oil is actually a more dilute even better. Unfortunately, if you use lubricant so the engine sounds louder than when wearing a SAE 20W-50. Where consumers would understand that. Him a new motorcycle engine they should be fine. So by the manufacturer used a standard 20W-50, the light of Paul.
Still, says Paul, oil SAE 10W-40 engine makes so much greater compression than a more viscous oil. Was so effective in lessening the machine is turned on. However, on some motors, when using 10W-40 lubricant, the possibility of a larger canvas slip clutch, said Eko Santoso, mechanical Millennium Son Motor, Jln. Arief Rahman Hakim No.8-9 Depok. So look at the outside of the packaging machine oil is suitable for 4-T or not.
20W-50 oil will cause more crust of SAE 10W-40. But because it is more viscous, engine temperature maintained. That's great for motorcycle who often travel long distances or are stuck in congestion of the capital, he added. Besides oil prices are generally 20W-50 is cheaper. Price is an average of Rp 20 thousand. Being an SAE 10W-40 most expensive Rp 29 thousand. Choose where? That's up to you, heeheheheh
(I've tried using Motul lubricants pertamax and use Sae 40 5100, and the result yesterday I bilangg friend: Friend Mantep really pull your bike, e. opo recipes, e? teach others ........ What time do not wear your bike more)
ne pinjem can continue my bike, but baseball is what is important to fill Pertamax friend wrote,
In addition if you want better results more and more,, take it to the garage for modif,, eg replace carburetor King, replace the exhaust, jet pilot, spuyer etc.. but maybe if the ratio of gasoline 1: 15 or severity 1: 10. (I still choose a lightweight and inexpensive lightweight bag lets get informed students)
More details Friends,,
Often out of the explosions from the exhaust,,,
Well this, I am fit again why Outgoing street suddenly burst from the exhaust sound, rich in wind that shot, I was surprised about hell, but it does not effect the bike there. But anyway I think we are quite disturbing, really cool job fart bike?
Well crita have a story turns out it is because of the pilot jet ne Satria. The pilot jet was what? pilot who's flying the plane,, Then what is the relationship the same bike?
wrong perception of man,, it turns out that jet pilots use to play down (teeth 1,2,3), while his older brother to play the main jet (4,5,6 teeth). Well, but now that a pilot jet issue, because what? turns from the manufacturer Satria FU kalier 12.5 pilot jet. the small motorbike racing pilot jet? so if you want to replace the same Bahlul ente pilot jet size 15 or even 17.5. Your exhaust is guaranteed not going to fart again, just once more the side effects on your wallet,, so the motor is more wasteful, but the results are better. Really good .... GUARANTEED.
jet pilot image
Last .....
rapid heat
Now hear this a lot of people still say, really fast hot Satria FU ya? Motorcycle .. I just do not segitunya Well ne goliat people compare with the ants, that's different motorcycle dy at Satria FU,, of course things are different,, let alone power systems using Satria FU DOHC makes it the best in its class.
Well if this house of the article I read they usually put the fan in front of the engine, there really is sold in the shop. it costs about 50rb-60rb baseball .... I'm still able to be normal wear alone.
this example:

That's a little review of I,,, which shall be said to do on our bike to stay healthy and hold,,, was in the service routine once every 2,000 km, the longest 3.000km once again ..... better every day usage for speeding ,,,,, pay attention to engine components and diservice. Even so I may benefit from a read ...
1. open the lock coupling (which is definitely looking at the clutch brake jgn in feet) okay clamp pliers
until a little loose and gaping plasticity so that the string coupling and the plot looks.
2. make a right turn at the handlebars.
3. spray with a lubricant WO3D, but if you want to save a rich way I wrote, okay used oil or vegetable oil.
4. tug on the clutch while looking for the Outgoing not faeces, if not out then add the oil.
5. that was quite satisfied with the results (see the dirt Outgoing) and Normalised return clutch locking position, but remember the gaping hole had been made down to reduce dust and other dirt to enter.
6. completed,
Continue friends,,,
heavy gas too right?
which is similar if the same clutch, not only because of the curved groove gas cable is different, but they may also have dry gas cables and dirty, so the weight deh. The solution is simple enough
A. look under your handlebar gas, there is a thick cable so because the material covered in rubber.
2. open it so it looks a case of rubber, lock, turn to him open, I think anyway emang it around a little longer because the,, wearing only a light-flops help our tang.
3. plasticity after the hole is open and gas cables,, love deh vegetable oil or as a way that was in the clutch, there is also the same as the tug gas, he's just not there is a case of coupling the output dirt before, just so slick wrote.
4. after you are satisfied the tug and limp (hahahaha), balikin as before,, it could mean to close the opening!
5. oh yes this same careful! sometimes not appropriate if it later turns the gas turned on the gas motor fitted directly roar roared,,, and great sound in the exhaust,,,, so should be suitable and fit to be perfect as we want,
6. completed.
More details of friends,,
traction is less powerful / fast.
if this does depend on the user's friends, who want a more standard kenceng what his run .... heee, if I still pengennya a drag and pull taut, so very young,,,,,,, but if that bring people normal may not be too perhatiin .... for owners who want to drag satriaf150 ........ just try it,
There is another theory ney,, great power requires great energy brati. So it's 150 cc motorcycle, taukan result right? hahahahaha drink a lot of gas! nah it wrote was not enough,, this bike if you want to get the best Performance should also be given the best nutrusi also,, like we're in love vitamiin, milk, etc. .. hehehehe ..... Tp if we do not bike semanja us, the most trivial love this motor gasoline must have a minimum octane of 90 or above you wear Pertamax, if a lot of money yes okay PERTAMAX + + is the color red. Now that the first requirement of 100 new terms are hahahha .. The second is also trivial,, engine lubricating oil .. Since our motor 4 No, Hence knowledge must be well understood Olie. Hopefully this article sheds light for the Satria .. Banyak motormania asal pakai oli mesin buat motornya, tanpa memperhatikan spek oli sesuai atau tidak. Jangan gitu, Soalnya, teknologi mesin sekarang makin canggih. Alhasil menuntut pelumas sepadan.
Generally the output motors 2001 and above, far more precision machine components by minimizing the clearance, says Paul Kelvin, general manager of training 2W & 4W Dept. PT Indomobil Suzuki International (ISI). Lubricant in order to easily fit into narrow crevices to protect against direct friction between the components, required more dilute oil.
For example K * w ** s * k * Z * 1 * 0. If you notice, the oil cap 10W-40 listed numbers. This means that oil must have a level suitable for 10W-40 viscosity. On a cold engine temperature, the viscosity is at number 40. While when the engine is hot, there is at number 10. Therefore, the hero is carrying the new Kawasaki engine technology with a very narrow berclearance innards. For example, has embraced the rocker arm bearing system. Increasingly tightened so that the slit valve. That way, it is definitely needed in order to dilute the oil more easily infiltrate into the gap.
While the Suzuki product, it is recommended to use oil with SAE 20W-50 specification. Similarly, the average product of Honda and Yamaha. But it's not haram oil 10W-40 is used. Oil is actually a more dilute even better. Unfortunately, if you use lubricant so the engine sounds louder than when wearing a SAE 20W-50. Where consumers would understand that. Him a new motorcycle engine they should be fine. So by the manufacturer used a standard 20W-50, the light of Paul.
Still, says Paul, oil SAE 10W-40 engine makes so much greater compression than a more viscous oil. Was so effective in lessening the machine is turned on. However, on some motors, when using 10W-40 lubricant, the possibility of a larger canvas slip clutch, said Eko Santoso, mechanical Millennium Son Motor, Jln. Arief Rahman Hakim No.8-9 Depok. So look at the outside of the packaging machine oil is suitable for 4-T or not.
20W-50 oil will cause more crust of SAE 10W-40. But because it is more viscous, engine temperature maintained. That's great for motorcycle who often travel long distances or are stuck in congestion of the capital, he added. Besides oil prices are generally 20W-50 is cheaper. Price is an average of Rp 20 thousand. Being an SAE 10W-40 most expensive Rp 29 thousand. Choose where? That's up to you, heeheheheh
(I've tried using Motul lubricants pertamax and use Sae 40 5100, and the result yesterday I bilangg friend: Friend Mantep really pull your bike, e. opo recipes, e? teach others ........ What time do not wear your bike more)
ne pinjem can continue my bike, but baseball is what is important to fill Pertamax friend wrote,
In addition if you want better results more and more,, take it to the garage for modif,, eg replace carburetor King, replace the exhaust, jet pilot, spuyer etc.. but maybe if the ratio of gasoline 1: 15 or severity 1: 10. (I still choose a lightweight and inexpensive lightweight bag lets get informed students)
More details Friends,,
Often out of the explosions from the exhaust,,,
Well this, I am fit again why Outgoing street suddenly burst from the exhaust sound, rich in wind that shot, I was surprised about hell, but it does not effect the bike there. But anyway I think we are quite disturbing, really cool job fart bike?
Well crita have a story turns out it is because of the pilot jet ne Satria. The pilot jet was what? pilot who's flying the plane,, Then what is the relationship the same bike?
wrong perception of man,, it turns out that jet pilots use to play down (teeth 1,2,3), while his older brother to play the main jet (4,5,6 teeth). Well, but now that a pilot jet issue, because what? turns from the manufacturer Satria FU kalier 12.5 pilot jet. the small motorbike racing pilot jet? so if you want to replace the same Bahlul ente pilot jet size 15 or even 17.5. Your exhaust is guaranteed not going to fart again, just once more the side effects on your wallet,, so the motor is more wasteful, but the results are better. Really good .... GUARANTEED.
jet pilot image
Last .....
rapid heat
Now hear this a lot of people still say, really fast hot Satria FU ya? Motorcycle .. I just do not segitunya Well ne goliat people compare with the ants, that's different motorcycle dy at Satria FU,, of course things are different,, let alone power systems using Satria FU DOHC makes it the best in its class.
Well if this house of the article I read they usually put the fan in front of the engine, there really is sold in the shop. it costs about 50rb-60rb baseball .... I'm still able to be normal wear alone.
this example:
That's a little review of I,,, which shall be said to do on our bike to stay healthy and hold,,, was in the service routine once every 2,000 km, the longest 3.000km once again ..... better every day usage for speeding ,,,,, pay attention to engine components and diservice. Even so I may benefit from a read ...
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